

Is a Zombie Recession Coming?

Renewed fears of a “hard landing” recession have emerged from the grave and are walking among us1. While many analysts hoped the U.S. economy could achieve a “soft landing,” that optimism might be misplaced.

Why [read more]

Market Drops and Inflation Uncertainty

Recent market conditions have been notably fluctuating, and it’s crucial for investors to understand the underlying factors contributing to this trend.
What’s Driving the Current Market Volatility?

Shift in Economic Narratives

Previously, the investment community embraced a [read more]

Elections and the Market

Article by Jay Tyner, RFC®

The U.S. stock markets are closely intertwined with the political atmosphere of the country, and the elections have a profound impact on them. In this article, we will explore how the elections significantly affect [read more]

The Stock Market’s Surprising Surge

The stock market has recently surged to new record highs, sparking questions and speculation. Following the latest Federal Reserve meeting, investors and analysts alike are keenly watching the economic horizon. But what’s driving this unprecedented rally, and what [read more]

Navigating the Maze of Cognitive Biases

Understanding the cognitive biases that influence our decision-making process is more crucial than ever in a world of information and choices. Confirmation bias stands out as insidious among the myriad biases that shape our perceptions and actions. This [read more]

Maximizing Your Retirement Savings: A Comprehensive Guide

Article by Jay Tyner, RFC®

As individuals journey through life, the importance of planning for retirement becomes increasingly apparent. With longer life expectancies and uncertainties surrounding government-funded pensions, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to maximize your savings for [read more]

What’s Going on With the Economy?

Have you ever felt like the economy’s pulse doesn’t quite match the rhythm of the headlines? You’re not alone in this economic conundrum. There’s a noticeable divide between the complex data and the “vibes” many Americans are experiencing. [read more]

Navigating North Carolina’s Retirement Tax Landscape

Article by Jay Tyner, RFC®

Income in retirement usually comes from three sources: social security, distributions from retirement accounts, and savings and investments.

As you approach retirement or are already in retirement, taxes are a huge consideration when planning your [read more]

Markets & Fiscal Drama

The financial markets have recently displayed a tumult akin to turbulent waters amidst a storm. The confluence of several unfavorable events has cast a gloomy shadow over the economic landscape, inciting a market meltdown that has left investors [read more]

Consumers Faltering?

Like a complex machine, the U.S. economy is driven by various components. One of the most significant of these components is consumer spending. As we navigate the post-pandemic world, there are emerging signs and trends that suggest potential [read more]

How High Will Interest Rates Go?

The Federal Reserve faces a complex challenge: how to manage interest rates effectively to tame inflation without causing an economic downturn. With headline inflation dropping to 3.2% in July 2023 from its peak last year, the focus now [read more]

Navigating the Sea of Instant Information

In the modern digital landscape, we’re faced with a pivotal question: How do we consume information? For many, the daily routine involves skimming through a barrage of news summaries and instant updates. This constant influx keeps us in [read more]

The Role of Annuities in Retirement

Article by Jay Tyner, RFC®

Navigating the financial seas of retirement can be challenging, but annuities often emerge as a guiding star for many. As observed by numerous Certified Financial Planners™ (CFP®), annuities have become an integral component of [read more]

A New Bull Market or Just a Mirage?

The dynamic nature of the stock market never ceases to amaze. When we think we’ve figured it out, it throws us another curveball. Recently, we’ve witnessed impressive market surges, leading many to wonder if we’re entering a bull [read more]

Floating Above the Turmoil

Imagine standing 100 miles away from your goal, a place you yearn to reach. However, the path between you and your destination is filled with treacherous obstacles – canyons, crevasses, and crumbling cliffs. In this scenario, you have [read more]

Should I Roll Over My 401(k)?

Article by Jay Tyner, RFC®

When you leave a job where you have a 401(k) retirement savings account, it is important to consider what to do with the funds that you have accumulated. Rolling over the funds into another [read more]

Understanding Social Security

Article by Jay Tyner, RFC®

Social Security is a government-run program in the United States that provides financial support to eligible individuals and families. It was established in 1935 as part of the New Deal, and it has since [read more]

Positioning Your Portfolio

Many investors could rely on interest income in retirement in days gone by. The adage that retirees lived by was “Never touch the principal.” Unfortunately, while double-digit interest rates provided a healthy income, today’s lower rates may not, [read more]

Conquering Retirement Challenges for Women

When it comes to retirement, women may face unique obstacles that can make saving for retirement more challenging. Given that women typically live longer than men, retirement money for women may need to stretch even further.1

Despite these challenges, [read more]

Managing the Risk of Outliving Your Money

What is your greatest retirement fear? If you ask some pre-retirees this question, “outliving my money” may be one of the top answers. In fact, 42% of workers say they fear outliving their savings and investments.1

Retirees face greater [read more]

Retirement Is a Beginning

How do you know you are psychologically ready to retire? As a start, ask yourself four questions.

One, is your work meaningful?

If it is emotionally and psychologically fulfilling and gives you a strong sense of [read more]

Summertime Checkup

Summer’s here, and the time is right for vacations, outdoor activities, and fun. But, unfortunately, it’s also a good time to consider a few financial matters. So here are some questions to ask yourself mid-year.

How SECURE 2.0 Might Change Retirement

The SECURE Act of 2019 represented the most significant update to retirement law in over a decade. Now, Congress is deliberating on what “SECURE 2.0” legislation might entail.

In March, the House passed the Securing a Strong Retirement Act [read more]

The Nature of Risk

When you invest money, you are putting it at risk — all investments can lose money. The key is to gauge your risk, and to not put more money at risk than you are willing to lose.

This is [read more]

Don’t Go It Alone

When markets cycle lower like they have been lately, perspective is critical. If you’re not connected to someone with experience, it can be easy to miss the big picture.

If you zoom out a bit in history, most investors [read more]

Eight Mistakes That Can Upend Your Retirement

Pursuing your retirement dreams is challenging enough without making some common, and very avoidable, mistakes. So here are eight big mistakes to steer clear of, if possible.

  1. No Strategy: Yes, the biggest mistake is having no strategy at [read more]

A Decision Not Made Is Still a Decision

Whether through inertia or trepidation, investors who put off important investment decisions might consider the advice offered by motivational speaker Brian Tracy, “Almost any decision is better than no decision at all.” 1

This investment inaction is played out [read more]

Healthcare Costs in Retirement

In a 2021 survey, 32% of all workers reported they were either “not too” or “not at all” confident that they would have enough money to pay for their medical expenses in retirement. Regardless of your confidence, however, [read more]

Staying Positive

Staying positive these days is a lot easier said than done. Inflation is running hot, gasoline prices are up, interest rates are climbing, and it’s hard to remember the last time the stock market had a winning week. [read more]

Keeping it in Perspective

It’s easy to get excited reading the news. But, with all of the storm and stress of the last few years, it’s only natural to react to each ping of our phone’s news apps with a deep sigh [read more]

The Fed Has an Eye on Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has made the Fed’s interest rate decision a little more complicated.

The Fed appears set to raise interest rates by 0.25% at its March meeting. Up until recently, there was talk by Fed officials [read more]

Your Emergency Fund: How Much Is Enough?

Have you ever had one of those months? The water heater stops heating, the dishwasher stops washing, and your family ends up on a first-name basis with the nurse at urgent care. Then, as you’re driving to work, [read more]

Trends in Charitable Giving

According to the most recent report by Giving USA, Americans gave a record breaking $471 billion to charity in 2020.1

Americans usually give to charity for two main reasons: to support a cause or organization they care about, [read more]

Volunteering in Retirement

Retirement is no longer about the hammock or unending hours of golf. Instead, it is a period of rejuvenation, second chances, and renewed growth. For many, this new phase includes contributing their time and talents to an organization [read more]

Helpful Retirement Strategies For Women

Preparing for retirement can look a little different for women than it does for men. Although stereotypes are changing, women are still more likely to serve as caretakers than men are, meaning they accumulate less income and benefits [read more]

Is Inflation Peaking?

You see it in prices at the grocery store and the gas station. You feel it in your monthly budget. So why don’t the financial markets seem too concerned about inflation?

Remember, financial markets are considered “discounting mechanisms,” [read more]

How Women Can Prepare For Retirement

When our parents retired, living to 75 amounted to a nice long life, and Social Security was often supplemented by a pension. The Social Security Administration (SSA) estimates that today’s average 65-year-old woman will live to age 86½. [read more]

Inflation & Your Money

“If the current annual inflation rate is only 1.4 percent,1  why do my bills seem like they’re 10 percent higher than last year?”

Many of us ask ourselves that question, and it illustrates the importance of understanding how inflation [read more]

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